Venetia Stagg

Yacht Charter Broker

Travelling has always been an important part of Venetia’s life. She spent much of her childhood living abroad in India and Bulgaria as well as spending a year living in Russia for university. She has been lucky enough to have walked with rhinos, swam with manta rays, and jumped off cliffs in Italy. Having graduated from university where she studied history and Russian, she wanted to use her love of travel in her work and took the opportunity to join the Pelorus team.

Number one unforgettable travel experience?

Climbing up a mountain in the Himalayas on a whim. We hadn’t planned this trek and we didn’t have anything with us except the clothes on our back, but we decided to stay overnight on top of the mountain. We slept under the stars and watched the most incredible sunrise the next morning.

Top of your travel bucket list?

Since joining Pelorus my travel bucket list has become about 100 times longer, but I definitely want to explore Cuba and Indonesia the first chance I get.

Who is your ultimate travel partner?

Very difficult question! Dream travel partner probably John Blashford-Snell. I love his desire to push boundaries and limits and the fact that he is now 84 and still taking expeditions to places like Mongolia is pretty astounding. Having said that, my real travel partner would probably be my cousin Guy Peterson. I have travelled through southern Africa with him before so I know he can put up with me and he is a photographer, so I get good photos to boot.

Want to get in touch?

To contact Venetia please email or give her a call.